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One often hears the question, why
do the Arabs in the Middle East have all the oil while Israel, the land promised
to be overflowing with milk and honey, seems to have nothing? But one also
needs to ask, has Israel's neighbor's oil been all that much of a blessing
to them on a longer term? Suffices to ask at this stage, WHAT ELSE DO THEY
HAVE in terms of intellectual property and industries, apart from those set
up by other countries - mostly to manufacture weapons of mass destruction
that don't contribute to GDP. In other words, what other than oil contributes
to the gross domestic product of Israel and oil producing countries in the
Middle East. (See
The dependance of Gulf states on oil - July 1, 2002 & Report:
World status of Arab countries;
The reason for bringing oil into the picture is because of its importance to Israel's Islamic neighbors - who are also her enemies seeking her destruction. They might of course not have been her enemies had it not been for the ideals and ideology inherent to Islam - to conquer land and to then declare Sharia Law over it. Oil is of course also important in that it provides funding to buy arms - although Israel's enemies don't necessarily have to have oil to obtain massive arms supplies from the USA, eg. Egypt (Click to see articles proving this point). Below are also articles about price and production trends of crude oil. Comments from readers and articles for possible inclusion will be welcomed. Please give some Feedback to our Editor.
A question that received serious thought in 1997 when the Zionsake pages were compiled, was what the world was going to do should there again be an increase in oil prices of the magnitude of the early 1970's. Will the world just passively succomb and pay what is demanded, or will there be a major shift to alternative fuels? All the big motor vehicle manufacturers have, however, come to light with vehicles running highly efficiently on alternative fuels, but there is very little demand for them. The answer to the question is, NO, the people just don't care enough to demand less polluting transportation. They just buy more and more of the same old inefficient kind and governments just keep on building more and bigger roads to accommodate all these vehicles. This site will neverthelss present you with a peak into what's available in terms of alternative fuels, even if it's just to recognize the advances that have been made.
From what we read in Ezekiel 38-39 and other places, the troops invading Israel at the end of this era might not even be using motorized vehicles of any kind, since it seems they will be on foot and horseback. When these forces are destroyed, it is said that the Israelis will use their arms for fuel for 7 years.
Revelations 14:20 They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horses' bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia.
Ezekiel 39:9 "`Then those who live in the towns of Israel will go out and use the weapons for fuel and burn them up--the small and large shields, the bows and arrows, the war clubs and spears. For seven years they will use them for fuel. 10 They will not need to gather wood from the fields or cut it from the forests, because they will use the weapons for fuel.
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